Frequently Asked Questions
These are answers to some questions that we are frequently asked. Please feel free to reach out to us if your question isn’t here.
How many homes are there and where are they located?
We have four homes. Blackpool, Leyland and Merthyr Tydfil are all registered for residential care and our home in Wigan is registered for residential and nursing care.
How do I express my interest in coming to Jah-Jireh?
You will need to complete our application form. If you need any help with this or would prefer to speak to someone first, then please contact the admissions team.
I am my parent’s main carer and I am struggling to cope. Can you help?
Yes we can. Provided we can meet the required care needs, we can offer respite care (minimum of one week) to help you to have a break from your caring role. Your local Social Services team may agree to assist you with the funding if you meet their criteria.
Do you take people who have dementia?
Yes we do, provided we are able to meet their care needs. The Butterfly Suite in our Wigan home was especially designed to cater for those living with dementia. A full assessment of physical and mental health care needs is required in order to determine this.
Do you provide nursing care?
Yes, our home in Wigan, Lancashire is able to provide nursing care.
How can I contact a social worker?
If you contact your local council and ask for the Adult Social Care team, a duty officer will take your details and refer you to a social worker who may then contact you to make arrangements to visit you.
What availability is there for respite care?
At least one room in every home is designated for respite care. A booking can be confirmed only when Jah-Jireh has agreed that your care needs can be met.
Could I receive regular respite care in Jah-Jireh?
Yes, provided we have rooms available and we can meet your needs. You may be able to obtain council funding for a number of weeks per year. Please check with the council.
What is in a respite room?
Our respite rooms contain a bed, 2 sets of drawers, a wardrobe and an armchair. They usually have a TV as well.
What availability is there for respite care?
At least one room in every home is designated for respite care. A booking can be confirmed only when Jah-Jireh has agreed that your care needs can be met.
What if I feel that I or a relative needs residential care but my social worker disagrees?
Please contact us to discuss your situation. Our advisors may be able to suggest a suitable course of action.
Will I have to sell my home before coming to Jah-Jireh if I don’t have savings?
You could discuss this with your local council. They may be able to help you with their ‘Deferred Payments’ scheme. In any case please contact our admissions team to discuss your options.
What if I have no home to sell, no savings and the funding offered by the council does not cover the cost of care at Jah-Jireh?
Do not be put off. Please contact us to discuss your options.
I am a baptised Jehovah’s Witness, but my spouse is not, although they attend all of the meetings at Kingdom Hall. Could we both come to Jah-Jireh together?
Please contact our admissions team to discuss your situation.
How do I provide feedback or make a complaint?
We welcome feedback and continue to strive towards the highest quality in care. If you have feedback, compliments or suggestions to share, please click here for further information.
If you have a complaint, please have a look at our Complaints Policy, which we use to resolve matters as quickly as possible.